Server Chat

Start Date: 05/11/2019
End Date: 19/11/2019
Project Manager: Davide Pizzoli
Project Sponsor: ITIS G. Marconi
Customer: Prof. Decarli
Users: Classe 5BI

Stakeholders and Expectations

Team: Have ready access to school network to connect to classmate, that are making the Client Chat, to try new feature
Professor Decarli: Develop the Chat Server and Chat Client to understand the importance of a unique and open protocol

Purpose (Problem or opportunity addressed by the project)

Students will learn the importance of a unique and open protocol. Without it, the two apps Server and Client will not be able to communicate each other.

Goals and Objectives

Allow users to:
- send a message to one other user
- send a message to many other users
- send a message to all users
- see the list on online members

Schedule Information

05/11/2019 - Project Release Plan Complete  
12/11/2019 - Iteration #1 Complete  
19/11/2019 - Iteration #2 Complete  
19/11/2019 - Project Complete

Financial Information

Details Cost Hours Total
1 Project Manager €50/h 9 hours €450
3 Software Engineers €40/h 9 hours €360

Project Priorities and degrees of freedom

Dates are not flexible. Budget is not extendable in terms of hours put in by each team member. Roles are changeable based on workloads of individual team members.


The first iteration will focus on basic functionality. Successive iterations will incorporate more features as time allows.


Use of the assigned protocol is required. For uncompleted functions, the app must answer without a fault.


The app will only work on school network. The school will made available to the programmers the computers to work and test the application.

Success Criteria

The project will be considered a success if the teacher put to students a good votes.


At the minimum, the software will allow users to send a message to other users and see a list online members.

Risks and obstacles to success

The team is not experience in developing chat app and protocols. This lack of experience generates some unknowns. We do not have a clear picture of how the code will be implemented yet.


Project Manager

Project Sponsor


Technical Lead